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Edi Geczy
Edi Geczy
Flying Team Manager, Instructor
Website Designer

Owner & Chief Flying Instructor of
Welsh Airsports

Edi's first flight was when he was 12 years
old and knew that's what he wanted to do
for a living. After flying many different aircraft
ranging from different powered aircraft from
Cesnas to Chipmunks, done aerobatics in
sailplanes and is even becoming a Hang glider
pilot, he started paragliding in 1996 and a
year later was very privaliged to get a
position with the military at the Joint Services
Hang Gliding and Paragliding Center as a
trainee instructor.

2 years of training with the JSHPC gave him
extremely high standards in both training and
safety which he now uses to train civilian
students through Welsh Airsports, which has
an excellent safety record.

He has now been a Paragliding instructor for

12 years and a Paramotor Instructor for 6. He
was also one of only a few pilots qualified to
Instruct Tandem Paramotoring with the
B.M.A.A when they were licensing paramotors.

As well as being in the Chief Flying Instructor
of Paragliding & Paramotoring side of things
Edi also runs the flying trips abroad for WAS.

Flying to Edi is a 24hr a day occupation, and
when not on the hill teaching could be found
planning the Trans Sahara Paramotoring
expedition which, with all the trouble in Niger
and Algeria, evolved into the TransGlobal PPG